
So..  who is Your Alibi anyways? 

Michael Payne (Bass/Vocals) 

Patrick Sagsveen (Guitars/Vocals)

Anthony Erickson (Drums/Keys/Vocals)

Adam Whetham (Soundmaster)

Right on. Well how did y'all get together? 

The long-story-short of it would be that during 2022, Michael had a really solid idea. If he were to combine his on-stage powers with Patrick & Anthony..  then add a soundmaster like Adam..  he juuust might have a pretty fresh 3-piece band. As Michael, Anthony, & Adam had performed together in another regional band (Identity 5) years ago, they were already familiar with one another. So the big question was..  how would Patrick fit in..? 

Ok.. well how did he fit?!?

Liiiiiike a glove lol Cliches aside, we knew quickly that it would work well both on & off-stage. Like grandpa used to say about Hamburger Helper, "...uffda, almost too easy." 

Umm.. ok. So what's the goal here? What's the "plan?"

While we currently have 5 full sets worth of cover songs, the goal there is to have at least 7..  so we'll be working on that. Then before too long, we'll be starting the 'song-writing' process to see if we can't add a tasty original or two (or 100).

If a person were to see Your Alibi perform, what might you expect their feedback to be.. if they could only use 3 words?

Hmmm..  well either "They Have Fun" or "Dad Jokes Stink."